Do I look pale..?
Dear R.I, I'm back..
I didn't renew my blog for almost 1 week already, erm..2 weeks..? confusingggg..
There are many things happened suddenly.. esspecially these 4 days ''Wars''..
There are many things happened suddenly.. esspecially these 4 days ''Wars''..
26th April 2009, I won't forget this day, never ever.
I know it's fun that day, we watch ghost movie together, having party, play snooker, but.........
I've met 'something' at the Brem Mall Star Screen Cinema and it makes me non-stop fever for 4 days!!! I was like having a world war, my brain was soooo dizzy & heavy because I had a very high fever, I was so afraid I will become an idiot..
I went to the same clinic twice, first time the doctor thinks that's just a normal fever, second time I come, he examine again and again, finally.. I had a blood test, my blood is normal, everything is normal, just high fever............?
I was so suffer during the 4 days, esspecially during night.. I don't think it's just fever, I'm sure it's more than this.. so my mum decided to bring me to ''问神''..!
Guess what..
地母 says that I've met ''好兄弟'' on last Sunday, it's the day we hang out..!
Luckily they are just annoying me, not very serious, if more than just annoying, I won't be here to renew my blog, hahahahaha. It's an unforgettable experience, not bad haha.
Fortunately, I recovered luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, freaking happy, I feel ALIVE
Do you guys believe in ghost..? I know some of you do, XING, my family, some of my girlfriends... Some of you do not believe, tell me why..?
I know it's still early, but I 'm tired
So in love with bLUE colour..-- bIbu