This photo was taken by YL in the gym room, I know i'm fugly, but I simply like it now.hahaha
call me busy bIbu.
just a quick update before sleep.
hell busy and I can't online, I have no time to update my blog!
hate this kind of life! I need a laptop..! serious :( i have to be patient!
probably, I will seldom online, but few photos taken during holidays will be upload a.s.a.p!!
2 days more, June holidays are going to end! Does everyone get ready for school reopen?? Guess no, everyone will stuck in holidays!! Bring holidays mood to school. Lazy buggggggggsssssss , i'm one of the lazy bugssss too, hiak hiak ;p
but the holidays were great, yaaaaaayyyy love it :)
Shirlee and me planned to sing karaoke on Monday , karaoke is our favourite! yaaaaayyy:) so we went to M mall for karaoke right after the Science tuition class. We have only 2 hrs , we sing as fast as we can ):
happy hours ended very fast, we have to rush back to tuition centre!!! Shirlee prefer running..!!!
I was like..fine! Well,..just run!! We run like crazy,like nobody's watching, no more image## :)
YL, me, XING, as well as the LOVE BIRDS--FQ & YK, we hang out together to do some shopping, that day was fun!! I love FQ's lame jokes, do you agree with me?hahahahaha
I bought a bag and a west from radioactive, it cost cheap!
note: someone spell my name wrongly today,hiak hiak ;p
I know there's no one enjoy reading my blog, but photos will be upload very very soon. haha
I.L.O.V.E.W.O.L.F, 你好“脚滑”~
**Everyone has weakness, don't blame anyone ):
gotta run to take bath now, ciao.