I have to do a ICT (Information Communication Technology) project about Type of Viruses/Definition of Viruses.(Because i think this topic is much easier for me!)
Chen Kar Yan aka. JOJO
We are same class now..again! ;p
Though i'm not really happy with the class, but i still have you right?
You are my neighbour..hahaha!
Ohya! I'm going to get my salary on tomorrow right after school~
Pavillion Rooms! I'm coming~
Hmmmm..How to use it?(i mean the $$$)
Gottaa get the black skinny jeans soon!hahaha~~
Ohya! i nearly forgot that Folio & Rooms got sell Lomo cameras!(i always dreamed about lomo lomo lomo for so long time)
The place where i work on last year!
How stupid..haha!But i'm not sure whether the lomo cameras are out of stock or not.
Lomo Fisheye 2?or Diana+?
Diana F+
Fisheye 2.
Fisheye 2 White Edition : "White Knight"
If i buy one of them, I could get 30% offer!(staff price)HAHAHA laugh like hell again.
If anyone wants to know more information about lomography or the price or whether you want to buy it or not.You can just ask me or leave a comment, don't be shy ok. I'll help you to ask my friend or my staff about Lomo cameras.
My eldest sister bought a Christine Dior lip gloss for mum's birthday 8/1!
It looks quite nice..& i like the colour!
It cost rm85, she bought that from Times Square Metrojaya.
Lets take a look of it..!